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  • #561299

    Hi, i want to add MasterSlider to the theme, i’ve found that it is possible ( in the forums ), but how can i do that?, i have no idea where to start, and i already have things set in the page, will i lose everything if i add the custom codes for the master sliders into the theme /child theme?.

    Or, how can i add those codes into the theme directly?

    Thank you for your time!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by eddpfn.

    Hey eddpfn!

    Please refer to this post –

    As far as i know, you can use shortcodes to add MasterSlider to your page and for that, you do not need to edit any theme files but using a child theme is always a good idea :)



    i’ve already did it!!, thank you anyway, sorry for not investigating more before, thousands of thanks!

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