Tagged: Product page, Shop Page, woocommerce
Thanks in advance for any help on this.
I found a thread on this with code for functions.php already but would like to change the following…
1) The image being 100% width (responsive) and centered.
2) No parallax effect.
add_action('ava_after_main_container', 'add_banner_before_breadcrumb');
function add_banner_before_breadcrumb() {
if ( is_product() )
echo '<div id="av_product_description" class="avia-section main_color avia-section-default avia-no-shadow avia-full-stretch av-parallax-section avia-bg-style-parallax av-minimum-height av-minimum-height-75 container_wrap fullsize" style="color:#ffffff;" data-section-bg-repeat="stretch">
<div class="av-parallax avia-full-stretch"></div>
add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script_parallax');
function ava_custom_script_parallax(){
$('#av_product_description .av-parallax').css('background-image', 'url(' + 'https://paultmurphy.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/cropped-boston-skyline-banner-1000.jpg' + ')');
$('#av_product_description').css('height', '180px');
Hey w3newbie,
Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?
Hey Rikard,
I appreciate the response and support, you guys are awesome :) I have already figured it out though so this can be marked solved.
In case anyone needs to know how to create a header banner image (that links) on WooCommerce/Enfold product pages try this in functions.php (using a plugin called “Custom Functions”):
add_action('ava_after_main_container', 'add_banner_before_breadcrumb');
function add_banner_before_breadcrumb() {
if ( is_product() )
echo '<h1 style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://www.yourwebsite.com" target="_blank">
<img border="0" alt="Banner Name" src="http://www.yourwebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/shop-banner-image.jpg" style="float: left; z-index: 99999; width: 100%;"></h1>';