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  • #554857

    I just added new Text Block widgets through the Avia Layout Builder and pasted some text into them. They are showing two Warning messages at the bottom of the editor. You may not see them unless you scroll down to the bottom, close to where you can change the font size. Since the warnings have our web host’s path to our site in them I am pasted them into the Private Content.

    As soon as I add a text block widget and open it the warning message is already there.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by mikehartrich. Reason: Added additional information

    Hi mikehartrich,

    Please send us a temporary admin login so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.



    Login details posted in the private content.



    Thanks for the login, on what page are you having these problems?



    It seems to be no longer happening Rikard. Maybe it was fixed in this most recent update a couple of days ago?

    Anyway, this ticket can be closed. I can’t re-create the issue, and it was appearing on multiple posts. So for now let’s call it resolved.


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