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  • #553179

    My problem is, that everywhere I use LayerSlider WP, my navigation-bullets on the right of the page (section navigator) are visible but not klickable anymore (hover also not working of course). When I come out of the LayerSlider WP section by scrolling up or down, it works like a charm… so I guess it’s a z-index problem…
    How can I solve that? I tryed out several things like increase z-index to 1000 on the div of my section navigator or to set a lower z-index on the container of the slides but nothing works :-( …It looks like LayerSlider WP alway is on a higher z-index!
    I’ve this problem in Crome and Safari browsers… FF work perfectly (but maybe its a bug in FF!?)

    Thank you for your inputs and your help!


    Hi Eric!

    We would have to see it in action. Probably another element on the page is placed on top of it. Send us a link and we’ll take a look. You can set your reply as private if you wish.



    Hi Elliot
    Thank you for your willingness to help me out! :-)

    I found a way to solve the problem by miself. As it seems, Crome and Safari shows me the list element (my navigation bullets between the sections) only when I was into the color section (where also my code block was). So I put the code block out of the color section as last element of the page and it worked fine. New problem was, that I had a gap between last section and footer. This I could solve by setting a minus margin of magin-top of the footer div.

    No that elegant but helped out ;-)



    glad you figured it out! Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.

    Best regards,

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