Hello, i didnt like empty area with product photo between order button. How i can edit and change this empty area ?
You can look from this link http://prntscr.com/9cknlj
Thank you very much.
Hi Gökhan!
Can we please check a live version of your web site?
Thanks a lot for your assistace
Thank you, you can check private note.
Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold–>General Styling:
#top .inner_product_header {
min-height: 45px !important;
Ohh thanks, better then from old.
But text color can not see now. Because very clear. I want to 2 step,
1- How i can put the product name title of the center ? (Just is left)
2- How i can change the color “Hemen Sipariş Ver” button ? (Just is open green)
Please add following code to Quick CSS
.inner_product_header {
text-align: center;
.avia_cart_buttons {
opacity: 1;
.avia_cart_buttons * {
color: green!important;
Best regards,
Thank you very much, perfect support!
Teşekkürler dostum, destek konusunda gerçekten mükemmelsiniz. Allah kolaylık versin.