Tagged: tribe events calendar
I’m using Enfold together with the Tribe Events Calendar. In the month-view the page-title is “Calendar of Events”.
I need this title translatted into german language.
Because the following title-string (in the default-template.php) comes with the enfold-theme, the problem may be within the theme:
$title = tribe_is_month() ? __('Calendar of Events', 'avia_framework') : tribe_get_events_title(false);
Of course, I could change the the string “Calendar of Events” to whatever I need. But I#m using the enfold-child-theme and I do not always want to change the file after a theme-update.
Thanks for help in advance.
Hey ehnatnor!
you need to change the .mo/.po language files. Use loco translate plugin or poedit for it.
Best regards,