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    Dont know anything about this atm but what does this mean?



    Hi Alexander!

    That means, based on the new Envato Rules, you can keep having access to our theme, but our support expires after those 4 months, and you will have to buy a new pack for the support.

    Let us know if you have any other questions



    So how long time an are price is there future support set to per update and site?
    I love the Enfold them all the effort, energi and fantasic support you give!

    I recomment so many and help em with the sites using Efold theme and they all buy it.
    Can you maby have leveles of to the use the support? Like distributor or something?




    There are still at least 4 months. Kriesi is in touch with Envato and waiting to hear an official response. Once support rules are certain, we will make a sticky post and inform our users.
    We would like to keep support policy the same as before, for your information :)



    Thank you @Yigit!


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