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  • #532261

    I just upgraded from Enfold version 3.3.2 to 3.4.1 and it breaks the styling of my main menu – worse in the English page than in the French. If you look at the French page, it has the right colors, but missing a line above the main menu titles/links. In my custom stylesheet I only change the font size and in the Enfol advanced styling I modify the hover state only.

    Can you urgently help figure this out as it affect my live site. (I did the upgrade to my staging area, the same happened, but thought perhaps recopying my custom stylesheet would help and that the live Enfold settings would not get affected — obviously I was wrong.)

    Thank you


    Hi tremblayly,

    Could you please provide us with a temporary admin login so that we can take a closer look? You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.



    Hi Rikard
    Here are the login credentials


    Hey Lyse!

    Can you please post the link to your website as well? :)



    Sorry. Here it is:


    I’m having the same problem in all my enfolds.

    Can you help please?




    My problem is only with one of them where I’ve kept the theme styling. The others I have customized the main menu, so the upgrade did not affect them.



    (thread owner)
    use this inside Quick CSS field of your french version, to get a line above your menu:

    #header #header_main_alternate .container {
    border-top: 1px solid red;

    In your english Quick CSS field put this:

    #header #header_main_alternate .container {
    background-color: white;
    border-top: 1px solid red;

    Adjust as needed.



    Hi Andy,
    Both of these changes made the main menu styling worse. In English I get some green background on each side. In French, it looks like the English (wrong) and has the additional green sides overlapping. Not good at all!

    Also, why would I have to keep track of different main menu displays based on the languages (what if I have 6 languages)? This does not make sense to do this. I did nothing to change the theme’s default main menu styling, so this should not have happened with the upgrade.

    I also tried, this morning, to upgrade to the next version of Enfold, thinking perhaps I this would have fix my issues, but no change. The theme’s default main men styling should be fixed for all and should address my display issue any all languages.



    Here’s a link on my staging area where I did the CSS changes: (hosted on WPengine)


    WPML is working like this, with it you have as many custom CSS’ as languages you are using. If you have questions about WPML feel free to ask their support team.

    Your first link (english) looks like this for me:

    View post on

    which looks to me as you wanted it.

    I checked the source code of your second link (french) and I can see that you did not implement my code I provided to you. Please put it inside french’ Quick CSS fiel and afterwards clear browser cache + hard refresh a few times.



    Hi Andy,
    I have recopied the CSS code in both English and French, cleared cache, rebooted my PC and still the problem exists.
    I have put all of the CSS code in my live site in both EN and FR, cleared cache and problem exists.

    I used a different computer and tried two different browsers and the issue still remains.

    Here are snapshots of my settings in EN and FR as well as screen snapshots of what I get on my live website.

    I’m sorry but I’m not sure what can be different from what’s happening at your end.

    Thanks for your patience



    I put this code inside your french’ Quick CSS field:

    div#header_main_alternate {
    background-color: white !important;

    and now your header looks on both sites as you wish for me. Can you confirm please?



    Hi Andy,

    The EN still has the green at each end of the screen.
    The FR – the green at each end of the screen is replace with white and the main menu top bar does not go across the entire screen

    Here’s a link to the snapshots:




    why did you remove the code in your french’ Quick CSS which I implemented?

    This is what I see in your english version:

    View post on

    On your french version it looked the same for me using my code inside Quick CSS.

    So no idea how you can see what’s shown in your screenshots. Can you clear browser cache + hard refresh a few times please? also check on another computer as well.



    Hi Andy
    I did not remove any code. Here’s what I see:
    I cleared all history, cache, login. I rebooted my PC and still I see the issue????

    Just noticed that when my screen display is 1310px (my maximum container width) that’s when I see the issue. On a smaller monitor I can’t see it.
    This seems to be the issue. So how has this changed?




    ok, I checked your website an english+french header look totally fine to me. Can you confirm please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,
    They do do look fine on 17″+ monitors. I just tried on a totally different laptop.



    glad it seems to be fine now. Let us know if you still need help with this issue, otherwise feel free to open a new ticket for a new question.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy
    I meant to say they do not look fine ….sorry



    of course it does not look fine if you always remove my code which I provided you here for you french Quick CSS field:

    View post on

    Simply put the missing code inside it again and then it will look like in my screenshots. Clear browser cache + hard refresh a few times.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,
    I have not removed any of the code you added.
    I have included my login credentials so you can have a look because I really don’t understand what is happening that you see something totally different than me.



    obviously I have already been logged in, that’s why I could do the screenshot, which I posted in my previous post. In your french’ Quick CSS field I can see that my code was removed. Simply paste it again inside of it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    You’ve been working on both my staging area and my live site. The staging had empty code, the live site the code you added was there – I just change the border color. I’m not sure how you logged in to the staging because what I sent you was login to the live site. Nonetheless, I added the same code on both live an staging. I cleared cache, refreshed, rebooted even and still the problem exists when viewing on 17+monitors.

    I am really really sorry for all of this trouble and confusion but I need to get this working properly.




    not sure which one is your staging and which one is your live site. Could you post the correct site and login details in your next post please?



    Hi Andy,

    live site:
    last sent credentials are the correct one




    I checked your website and menu background is white for me. So it looks totally fine for me. Can you confirm please?
    Don’t forget to clear browser cache + har refresh a few times and check on another computer as well.



    Hi Andy,

    Did you try to view on a 17″+ monitor? I still see the problem after using my 17″ laptop, using different browsers, and after rebooting.

    I’m by now means an expert, but when I use Firebug the problem CSS element that seems to be displaying wrongly is the av.minimal_header #header_main_alternate
    In EN the background is green and height is taller than the main menu wrapper
    In FR the extra CSS element you added turns the background white but without a top border – but still the height does not line up with the main menu wrapper border.




    I don’t have a 17”+ monitor, but there is no reason that it would display a different background-color on a slightly bigger screen size.

    This is what I see after a hard refresh:

    View post on

    We can’t do anything, if we can’t reproduce the issue. Please check on another computer as well.



    Hi Andy,
    The issue appears only on larger monitor. Works fine on smaller ones.
    Is anybody else in your team that could test and see how to fix this?


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