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  • #529700

    Hello there, wondering if i can enlist your help. Our gallery listings used to show in three columns, or two as expected and space perfectly. Now, all of a sudden the gallery will only show images at 100% width – looks terrible. Have checked css and even gone and checked our updates, it seems the website did this itself.
    I would like to show you a link, but for privacy reasons cannot show it publicly. Any advice on how to to correct this layout issue? Thank you.


    Hey noccomcl!

    I checked your links but it’s displaying in 3 columns for me. Try viewing in another browser to see what happens. Perhaps your shrinking the browser so the mobile CSS is activated?

    Best regards,


    hi sorry about that, we forced it to show three columns by hacking the css, but if you check out the private link ill show you, can see what is going on. either way, the gallery function no longer works



    on the private data area, the gallery actually loads into 3 columns also for me.Can u tell us which browser you are using and OS?

    Best regards,


    hiya, that is because our css hack is working for that page but unfortunately the hack posts for ALL pages, i.e. three wide works on the gallery, but if we want the gallery to be two wide — only three wide will now, but not this one (see private content)


    to answer your question regarding browser types: Chrome and Edge


    ah, here’s a good example where now its only showing our css hack (which we can undo) however the real problem is the image showing at 100% no matter how many columns are assigned in the gallery.



    there are so many images on the link you have provided. About which one are you talking about? can you highlight your intentions by using screenshots please? use or dropbox.



    Hi Andy I apologize for the back and forth interactions and the time you have already expended, I took the CSS off to show you the the gallery. It seems the default settings cause the gallery to show only one column, ignoring our settings i.e on the page link i send you, it’s supposed to be three columns, but only one image shows. any advice? thank you so much



    no idea what you are talking about, because there are three columns for me:

    Please clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times.

    Best regards,


    still 1 column fir me – let me show you the live site:


    not a browser issue, and my cache is refreshed.



    try to deactivate all plugins, to see if one is causing any conflicts.



    Hi Andy,

    Deactivated all plugins, (events calendar, revolution slider, and XML sitemap) it was not those. The issue persists :/


    p.s. can you refresh your cache before viewing?





    could you provide us admin access, so we can take a closer look into it? Are we allowed to temporarily deactivate all your plugins? Post login details here as private reply.




    Thank you. Yes!


    just checking in on you guys to see what is up.



    refuse from bumping into your own thread, because it pushes it behind in our queue and marks it “answered”, so that we can’t provide a faster reply for you.

    Recently a new Enfold version was released. Can you upgrade please? because there are lots of bugfixes in the new version. Let us know if you still need help afterwards.


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