I’m trying to make my home page look a certain way. Below the main menu I want a wide banner image followed immediately by a horizontal optin form. I have images of what I’m trying to accomplish and what it looks like right now. But I don’t know how to include those here???
1) Somehow the menu is showing up twice at the top with a big empty space in between
2) The image that I’m using is the same size as the image used by the page I’m mimicking (on some style decisions). It is being cut off at the top and it is not extending beyond the text margins on the page.
3) I’m also looking to put a horizontal optin box right below the image – just like the page does that I’m liking.
4) The line that goes across the page right below the menu at the top – I don’t like that! Can we get rid of it!
THANKS SO MUCH for your help!
Hey Takara22,
Screenshots would be great to understand what you are trying to achieve, you can upload to a service like imgur.com and then link to them here.
I’ve sent the link for dropbox of the two screen shots. One is of what I’m wanting it to look like. The other is of my MagnificentU site.
you showed us two different websites in your screenshots, but provided us only one link. Furthermore it seems like you already achieved everything what’s shown in your screenshot: