Within the General Styling tab of the theme, we have the option to specify colour schemes for Main Content Area and Alternate Content Area. This is all great, but using the Advanced Layout Editor, there does not appear to be any way to change between them.
At the bottom of this site I’d like to be able to make the accordion element obey the Alternate Content Area colour scheme, so it appears as black text on white background. (Note: the “So, what happens next?” heading and the text directly beneath it were styled manually using custom colours in their respective elements)
My General styling tab looks like this, with the colours set as I want them:
Is there a way to use the Alternate Content Area colour scheme using the Advanced layout editor? I’d like to be able to do this a number of times throughout the site, and I have no background in web design. I chose Enfold because it seemed things like this were easy to implement!
Hoping someone can point the way, rather than just do it for me on one specific page!
Please disregard this, I finally found the option to achieve this in the Colour Area element!