For the full screen size I want to remove the menu text and replace each link with and image. But for the mobile menu I want to remove the images and bring back the text
This has worked fine for the full screen size where to remove the text from the menu I have:
span.avia-menu-text { visibility: hidden; }
Then to bring back the text and remove the images for the mobile I have:
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
span.avia-menu-text {
opacity: 1!important;
#mobile-advanced li.menu-item a {
background-image: none!important;
But this does not bring back the menu text on the mobile, it just removes the images. Can you advise on what I should do here?
many thanks
Hey Peter,
Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?
Best regards,
Hi Rikard
You can see an example on the link provided. The image menu is fine on a full screen size but when it goes to a mobile screen size the images disappear ok but the menu text does not come back.
Could you try the following CSS instead to see if that helps?
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
span.avia-menu-text {
visibility: visible !important;
#mobile-advanced li.menu-item a {
background-image: none!important;
Hi Rikard
That works great, many thanks.