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  • #500929

    Hi kriesi-team,

    when I try to edit pages in the editor all list items are breaking apart and showing a strange behaviour. It seams that the editor is adding extra line breaks / extra tags. You can see the problem in this screenshot:

    It should look like that:

    But after saving the page and re opening the editor it looks like that: (editor view) (text view)

    Even when I remove the list, build up a new one and save the page: After opening the editor again the list items are all broken. Sometimes I also experience extra line breaks in the visual editor on different locations (outside a list, normal paragraph).

    What I tried:
    – Adding this remove_filter to my functions.php
    remove_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘wpautop’ );
    remove_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘wpautop’ );

    – changed the textblock.php exactly as described here (in the parent and the child theme):

    – installing tinymceadvanced and switched “stop removing p tags…” on and off again.
    – Cleared cache, switched browser (chrome / firefox)

    Nothing works!

    I built the page with wordpress 4.2.x and updated to 4.3 a couple of days ago. Enfold Version is 3.2. I don´t know if the problem occured after updating to the current wordpress version or if it was also before the update. I built up the content under 4.2.x without problems and created dozens of pages really nicely with the Enfold editor. So maybe it has something to do with an incompatiblity between WordPress 4.3 and Enfold 3.2. But I´m just guessing. Weird stuff.

    Please help, kriesi-team!


    Update: I tested the error on another website with the same environment: WordPress 4.3 and Enfold 3.2. The same behaviour:

    And beside the list-problem, I also got some extra line breaks at the beginning of the text inside the visual editor.


    Update 2: I installed a brand new WordPress Test-Version on my localhost and got exactly the same issues with WordPress 4.3.

    But after downgrading WordPress to 4.2.4 the issues were gone and the Visual Editor looked fine! So there seems to be a issue between WP 4.3 and Enfold 3.2.

    Is anybody experiencing the same problems? The only solutions would be to downgrade to WordPress 4.2.4 so far, but I hope for a better solution from the Kriesi-Team.

    Thanks in advance, guys.



    Can you please update Enfold to the latest version 3.3.2 –
    Issue should be fixed :)



    Hi Yigit,

    ah that did it! I thought that 3.2 was the latest version.

    Great, thanks! :-)



    You are welcome, we are always happy to help!
    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here –
    And if there are features that you wish Enfold had, you can request them and vote the requested ones here –
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to post them here on the forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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