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  • #499756

    Hi guys,

    I wanted to add a php block
    <?php echo date(‘Y’); ?>
    to the Theme Options – Footer but it doesn’t show.

    Please advise on how to fix. Details on private link.




    Hi tullibo!

    Please go to Appearance > Editor and open Footer.php file and find

    $copyright = do_shortcode( avia_get_option('copyright', "&copy; ".__('Copyright','avia_framework')."  - <a href='".home_url('/')."'>".get_bloginfo('name')."</a>"));

    and change it to

    $copyright = do_shortcode( avia_get_option('copyright', "&copy; ".__('Copyright','avia_framework')." ".date('Y')." - <a href='".home_url('/')."'>".get_bloginfo('name')."</a>"));

    Best regards,

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