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  • #492084

    after searching to no avail..

    1) How can I output single blog posts as links in the primary navigation menu?
    I have a bunch of posts with a specific category/tag and I’d like them to automatically appear as menu items in the primary navigation.
    any Ideas about how to accomplish this would be great.

    2) does anyone know how this page was constructed?
    is it a gallery? a portfolio? is it an output of posts? how is it possible to customize the grid items – as buttons?

    Thanks very much for any advice!


    Hi israelaw!

    1. Navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Menus and you can drag post links, categories, pages, etc etc, to your menus. If you do not see a certain type of link you want to add then click on “Screen Options” in the top right hand corner of your screen and check them all to display.

    2. It’s 1/3 columns with buttons inside. The buttons have custom styling applied to them.


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