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  • #491068

    Hi looking at my site at

    I didn’t like the way the mobile toggle menu has a different color for menu items. It’s not nice its a dirty grey colour and hard to read and should be pure white #fff

    Anyway with element inspector I can see this being the culprit

    #mobile-advanced, #mobile-advanced a, #mobile-advanced .mega_menu_title {
    color: #fff;
    border-color: #17174e;

    And it looks like its coming in dynamically not hard coded in any css style sheet. How ever I can not identify the root of where this is coming from. Could you be kind enough to assist me in why the enfold theme is doing this css to my site?

    Login information included


    Hi codecreative,

    The border colour is white on my end, I’m guessing you got it fixed?

    Best regards,


    hi sorry I’m referring to the actual colour of the text on the mobile menu

    I’d like it to be white like on the desktop view but it isn’t… Can you advise why and what I should change?



    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold–>General Styling:

    #mobile-advanced a {
    color:white !important;



    Thank you for the possible solution. I am capable of finding this but what really gets me curious is why this happens initially. And where is it getting this colour reference from?

    This will allow me to prevent it happening in the future can you advise?



    So far I’m seeing that the below css is specifically set:

    #mobile-advanced a {
    color: #6b6b6b;

    May we have temporary access to your website so we can see if there iss any conflicting settings that is causing the mobile menu link color change.


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