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  • #489881

    Hi again,

    Sorry – I should have included this in my previous question.

    The shopping cart icon was showing up on mobile and I couldn’t find the setting to turn it off, so I Googled and found a previous thread with you explaining how to remove it with a little code snippet. So I included that in the custom.css file, which worked fine, but now when I run a broken link check on the site, it’s picking up that is broken (but it doesn’t appear on the site).

    If I view the source, this is where the link is:

    <ul  class = 'cart_dropdown ' data-success='was added to the cart'><li class='cart_dropdown_first'><a class='cart_dropdown_link' href=''><span aria-hidden='true' data-av_icon='' data-av_iconfont='entypo-fontello'></span><span class='av-cart-counter'>0</span><span class='avia_hidden_link_text'>Shopping Cart</span></a><!--<span class='cart_subtotal'><span class="amount">&pound;0.00</span></span>--><div class='dropdown_widget dropdown_widget_cart'><div class='avia-arrow'></div><div class="widget_shopping_cart_content"></div></div></li></ul>
                                     <div class='container'>

    Please could you let me know how to remove this as it is picking up a 404 error, when there isn’t actually one.



    Hey Natalie_Hood,

    Did you check if the link is still included in your sitemap? If it is that might be the reason.


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