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  • #487052


    How can i get the header thicker?

    ive used this code from some time ago:

    nav.main_menu {
    background: #ffffff;
    border-radius: 20px;

    And how do i make is as width as the menu is, (not full width)

    thank u!


    edit : sorry i misunderstood you

    soon an edit follows :lol

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Guenni007.

    Hi Guenni!

    Your code works, but now the white background is full width… with the padding i can make is smaller but i dont think that its te right way? The white background needs to be as width as the menu items, so from Home till Contact. With al litte extra on both sides.

    jeah i mean the hight of the white background of the menu (the menu text needs to be in the center (from left to right and from top to bottom)

    Hope you understand what i mean.



    sorry – see my edit – try instead:
    and get rid of that 100% rule mentioned above before edit.

    nav.main_menu {
        background: transparent none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;
    #header_main #avia-menu {
        background: #fff !important;
        border-radius: 20px;
        padding: 0 20px;
    .av_alternate_logo_active #avia-menu {
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;

    this removes the container background – but when scrolled down the behaviour is as usual

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Guenni007.


    now the menu is only transparant?

    No white BG

    I works! Browser cache ;)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by c3computers.

    to get the list points near the center add:

    .html_header_top .av_bottom_nav_header .main_menu ul:first-child > li a {
        height: 60px;
        line-height: 60px;

    hm i wait until you are ready with your decision of the hight: a few minutes ago there was a hight of 88px now it is small.

    because all values depends on that decision

    nav.main_menu {
        background: transparent none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;
    #header_main #avia-menu {
        background: #fff !important;
        border-radius: 20px;
        padding: 0px 20px;
    .av_alternate_logo_active #avia-menu {
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;
    .html_header_top .av_bottom_nav_header .main_menu ul:first-child > li a {
        height: 60px;
        line-height: 60px;

    When i remove the last code:

    .html_header_top .av_bottom_nav_header .main_menu ul:first-child > li a {
        height: 60px;
        line-height: 60px;

    Every think is perfect in line. The only thing i wanne do is increase the thinkness (height) of the white bg.

    next: is it possible to bring down the whole menu. ( when i change it to

    .html_header_top .av_bottom_nav_header .main_menu ul:first-child > li a {
        height: 80px;
        line-height: 80px;

    the menu text goes down (but not the white bg), i think that it a nice possision for this design.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by c3computers.

    yes but to look nice it had to be the same hight of the height when you scroll down !


    these settings above were for your first choosen normal (88px) hight – for the small nav you need this instead

    .html_header_top .av_bottom_nav_header .main_menu ul:first-child > li a {
        height: 35px;
        line-height: 35px;

    Ohhh now i understand what you mean.. the total header height set in the enfold options :).

    The weird thing is that is is exacly the same (perfect in line) with or without this code:

    .html_header_top .av_bottom_nav_header .main_menu ul:first-child > li a {
        height: 35px;
        line-height: 35px;

    Thanks for you help!


    ok try to get rid of all code above and set instead:
    the shifting of the menu comes later:

    nav.main_menu {
        background: transparent none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;
    #header_main #avia-menu {
        background: #fff !important;
        border-radius: 20px;
        padding: 0 20px;
    .av_alternate_logo_active #header_main #avia-menu {
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;
    .html_header_top .av_bottom_nav_header .main_menu ul:first-child > li a {
        height: 35px;
        line-height: 35px;

    and then we see next steps


    Now its broken :)



    .av_alternate_logo_active #avia-menu {
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;


    .av_alternate_logo_active #header_main #avia-menu {
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;

    Thats the only differce betwean your codes

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by c3computers.

    yes this was made due to the background transparency of the header on scrolling – but if you use a full color than it is obsolete!
    on white case there was before a 0.8 opacity of header and a full white under ul – this looks awfull.
    but with your brown this is not important.

    just for you to learn :lol

    .av_alternate_logo_active #avia-menu {
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;

    does not overwrite the rule :

    #header_main #avia-menu {
        background: #fff !important

    but this does !

    .av_alternate_logo_active #header_main #avia-menu {
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;

    because it is more specific ( it is a special case of the other)


    maybe it above my grade :) hhaha

    nav.main_menu {
        background: transparent none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;
    #header_main #avia-menu {
        background: #7c6853 !important;
        border-radius: 20px;
        padding: 0px 20px;
    .av_alternate_logo_active #avia-menu {
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;

    Thats the code that ive insert now, and it looks fine :).

    Thank you very much for your time and informations!



    I didn’t know you guys were having a party here, did you get your problem fixed @c3computers? Thanks a lot for the help @Guenni007!

    Best regards,


    Hi @Rikard!

    The problem is solved!



    Great, glad you got it fixed :-)

    Thanks again @Guenni007!


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