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  • #486592

    Hi there,

    I was wondering if you could help me with a couple of things.

    1. I was wondering how I can achieve the effect found on all the pages from the Startup demo where the top of the page is one colour with an arrow pointing down and text on top. I’m sure it’s something super simple but I cant seem to find exactly how to do that. This is what i mean (with an arrow):

    2. I am building this site for a big company that has a different site that logged in visitors can access. What i want to achieve is to have a login button on the far right side of the menu, that when clicked opens a login form in a fancybox (this is what I mean: Once logged in, visitors are redirected to the second site. I know this is beyond the scope of your support, but if you could at least point me in the right direction as to how I can achieve this, i would be really grateful.

    Thanks a lot in advance, and thanks again for a fantastic theme!


    Hey Lilianaviu!

    1- Please edit your page and choose to display transparent header and then add Color Section element to top of your page with a custom background image and choose to display down arrow :)
    2- You can go to Appearance > Menus and add a new link and to open it in lightbox, add following to the end of your URL




    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks so much for your help :) The only thing that works only partially is that once the login form opens in the lightbox, it redirects to that page instead of staying in lightbox until login. Any idea how to make it stick?



    please provide us a link to this lightbox. We need to inspect the elements.



    Hi Andy,

    Unfortunately the site is not live to visitors. Is there any other way? Maybe send screenshots of the code?



    I think it will be very difficult for us to find out what wrong if we can’t inspect the page itself unfortunately. Is it only on a local server or on a live server but in production mode? If it’s on a live server then please provide us with a temporary login so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.



    Hi Rikard,

    Thanks a lot for your help. i’ve created a temp user, which you can find in the Private Content area. Id

    Thanks again



    when I click on Login button it opens a lightbox without any content. Is this supposed to happen? Could you provide us admin access so we can take a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    No, you should see a login form that is hosted somewhere else. I’ve given you admin access and a new password



    we can’t do much about it, as the link does not work anywhere. I tried it as a normal link on a page. You would need to ask in general WordPress forum if need help with this.



    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for your help

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