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  • #483279


    Media text for “Caption” and “Description” looks weird for the gallery on mobile/smartphone such as Android (Samsung S4) or iPhone 5.
    The “Caption” text ends up over the picture, covering it almost entirely. Just click a picture in the supplised website (private content) on any smartphone.


    Hey Siniz,

    On what page can we see the issue? I had a look at the front page on iphone4/chrome and I couldn’t see anything like what you are describing.



    If you look at the front page on the webpage supplied in the “private data” field you can scroll down to the ice creams. It is on the main page of the website. Click on the ice creams to bring them up to notice the problem. I am also using chrome.



    You can add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab to remove tooltips on mobile

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
    .avia-tooltip.avia-tt { display: none !important; }}



    Thanks, that worked wonders. The website has been updated.

    I am wondering if this should not be default on mobile. Otherwise it covers the picture as was shown previously. It did not feel natural to me at least.
    I believe the biggest problem was that when you tapped the picture in the gallery to bring it up the tooltip stayed there which feels like that is not the intention.



    You are welcome! Glad we could help :)
    Please feel free to request such change in here – :)
    And let us know if you have any other questions or issues

    Best regards,

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