Tagged: avia layout builder, conflict, footer, Thrive Leads
Hello. We use the Thrive Leads plugin for our optin forms. The optin form at the bottom of our posts/pages works fine everywhere throughout the Enfold theme except on pages where the Avia Layout Builder is used (due to a CSS conflict).
For example, you will see the top border of the optin form (the colorful bar) is high up on the page (instead of down where it should be at the top of the actual optin form): http://snag.gy/Xdp7M.jpg
That colored bar is supposed to be at the top of the optin form itself (like this): http://snag.gy/0gHhl.jpg
This is the page that has the problem: http://latitudes.org/behavior-charts/
Are there any simple CSS tweaks that can be made to prevent this conflict? Thrive Leads support indicated that it is a conflict with this CSS: http://acnlatitudes-acn.netdna-ssl.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/css/shortcodes.css?ver=2
Please advise. Thanks!
Hi ACNLatitudes!
Sorry for the late reply!
Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab
#tve_eight_set .thrv-leads-form-box {
clear: both;
That worked perfect. You’re awesome! Thanks so much.