Hi there,
I have five images on my homepage, which I placed there using your builder. Unfortunately the most images I can put next to eachother are 5 x 1/5 but I need 6 x 1/6 is there a way to make this possible?
I tried to use a gallery of 6 images and it works, but now I can’t add a link for the images to go to the pages. I hope that you can help.
Thanks for your help.
Kind regards,
Hi fleurkolk!’
You can try usng a portfolio grid with the below settings:
This way you can link each image to it’s own portfolio page.
Thank you so much I think we are almost there. Now I have only two problems left. The sixth image is underneath it even though I put 6 columns like you said. Are they to wide? The other problem is does the portfolio always have an line around the image? As you can see at the top where I used the images they blend into the background, I think this looks nicer. Can I change this by changing the border color and if so which one is for the portfolio?
Thanks again I feel hopeful that it can work;)
The portfolio grid should automatically scale each image evenly so that there are 6 columns until the responsive adjustments kick in.
On my end it’s showing up as 6 per row, 3 per row, 2 per row then finally 1 per row.
In order to remove the border, please add the below css to your custom css section:
.grid-entry .inner-entry {
box-shadow: none;
Hi Dake,
You are my hero! When I deleted the five at the top all of a sudden all six are neatly next to eachother! I am so happy because I have seriously been trying this for weeks (first with a different theme!). Thank you!!!!