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  • #476224

    I would like to control/change the color of unordered list bullets in both the main body section and the footer sections so that they are a different color than the text.

    Also, I would like to change the color of the bullets that appear in front of the mega menu page links.

    Please let me know if there is CSS I can use to target these. Thanks.


    Hey lzharvey!

    I couldn’t see any bulleted lists in the body or in the footer on your page, but you can use the following in Quick CSS for the Mega Menu:

    .avia_mega_div .avia-bullet {
    border-color: red !important;



    Thank you. I used the shortcode you provided and it worked to change the color to red, but it also changed the shape of the bullets to a small rectangle. Is it possible to specify/change back to the triangular bullet.

    Also, I have provided a link to a page that has an UL list in the body copy. I would like to have the bullets be colored differently than the body copy. Also, is it possible to specify a custom character for the bullets?




    It seems to not like the !important statement so try this instead:

    .avia_mega_div .avia-bullet {
    border-color: red;

    The bullets will take the colour of the list in general, but you can use your own image using this:

    ul {
    list-style-image: url('');



    Thank you Rikard. Is it possible to make the mega menu bullets slightly larger?



    The might be slightly out of place if you do that but you can try the following:

    .avia_mega_div .avia-bullet {
        border-top: 5px solid transparent !important;
        border-bottom: 5px solid transparent !important;
        border-left: 5px solid green;


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