Hi, I love working with the “Extended Layout Editor” and “Content Elements”. When I select “magazine” one sees only the headlines.
Would it be possible, if comments appear in an article, display them below the title?
If the post is open, it is above, but in this case we do not see, if there is to the individual contributions comments if you do not open the post.
Behold http://www.en-mosaik.de Heading “Politik” or “Schon gelesen?.”
Thanks for help.
Linde 2015
Hey Dietlinde!
Thank you for using Enfold.
I’m sorry but this feature will require a major code rewrite which is considered as a custom work. You can hire a freelance developer or you can contact codeable. If you want to know what file to edit, it is the magazine.php file located on config-templatebuilder > aviashortcodes folder.
Best regards,