Tagged: delay, height, LayerSlider
i’ve a problem with layerslider. as you can see on my site: http://www.domingocommunication.com , layerslider has a sort of delay when the page is loading. Initially the floating menu is in the center of the page and after a couple of second, when the slide is loaded, it is positioning right. images are all optimized. i’ve tried to install w3tc ( as you can see in this demo: http://www.woodoing.it/domingo ) but the problem still remain.
debugging the element with the google console, i’ve noticed that initially layerslider has height: 750px ( as i setted in the dashboard of the plugin) and after the height become “auto” .
how can i solve?
best regards,
Hi piemoo!
Thank you for using Enfold.
I think the slider is trying to compensate for the video height to keep the video’s aspect ratio so it automatically adjust its height to contain the whole video. How did you add the video? We would like to test it on our own installation. Have you tried using the full width easy slider?
Hi Ismael,
Thank you for your answer.
I noticed that this issue is present also in another page ( like http://www.domingocommunication.com/domingo-digital) where i’ve used only images into the layerslider. If you agree, i can give you admin credentials so you can take a look.
Best regards,
It would be great if you could give us admin details, you can post them in the Private Content section of your reply.
Hi Rikard,
glad to tell you i’ve solved myself: simply my slider was 1500×700 and now i’ve setted slider width to 1920…
now it’s work ;)