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  • #466368

    we have a slideshare on our website page

    but why it can not open to make it full screen

    Slideshare says

    I’m sorry to hear that the full screen icon is not working. Can you please remove the presentation from the page and then re-add them? It appears that the page is restricting the access to full page.

    So you can enfold team have me to check this ? refer to the admin informaton below


    Hi paulchiao!

    We do not support third party plugins but we’ll try and help you out as much as we can.

    – What happens when you activate the default WordPress theme?
    – What happens when you deactivate all of your other plugins?

    I noticed your getting a few errors it looks like.

    Blocked loading mixed active content ""

    It didn’t look like your site is using SSL, is it supposed to? All of the plugin scripts are using https.



    Hi Elliott.

    Thanks for your replay

    – What happens when you activate the default WordPress theme? —> still not work
    – What happens when you deactivate all of your other plugins? —> still not work

    my website are not SSL,
    maybe this is the reason…

    so what we can do please?

    thank you very much for your help


    Hi Elliott.

    Thanks, we find the solution.
    Thank you very much for helping us

    all my best to you
    Paul Chiao

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