I’d like to move the menu text down so that it’s pretty much at the bottom.
I figured out how to do this before, but it stopped working after an upgrade, so I know it can be done. I can’t for the life of me remember the CSS. I suppose I was smarter several months ago. Any help would be much appreciated. I’ve included a link to a screenshot (private content) of what I want to do.
well to work with line-hight might be difficult.
on my installation i got a header hight of 120px and this works for me:
ul.av-main-nav .avia-menu-text {
bottom: -30px;
position: relative;
ul.sub-menu .avia-menu-text {
bottom: inherit;
you have to play a little bit with that bottom value
there was a setting for sub menu because i really don’t know how to select only the direkt child in this case.
i believe because the menu item sit on the half of the header hight : shifting it to the bottom needs the quarter of the header hight !
btw. on a shrinking header this might be solved in a different way.
Very good suggestion, I just tried and it works well except for two issues:
1. I have a shrinking menu so when scrolling down, the top menu text shows below the header.
2. The search icon doesn’t move down.
I’m going to try a few things and see if I can make it work. Thanks for your suggestion.
Okay, so I fiddled around with it a bit more and I can’t get it to work without breaking something else. If there are any other suggestions, I would appreciate it.