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  • #458632

    I have found a few support topics on this but none clearly gave the answer I need. I need to replace “enfold” in the source code (…themes/enfold) with my client’s site name (…themes/client-site). Typically I’d just change the folder theme name but want to be sure I can do this without breaking anything. I would rather update the contents of the theme folder and keep the folder name than have enfold in the source code. Any of you help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks very much!


    Hey Dave!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The theme options should stay intact if you rename the theme folder although you may find the menu items altered. After renaming the folder, reactivate the theme then set the theme locations again. Please create a backup or a restore point before doing so just in case.

    P.S: You may want to export the theme options on Import/Export panel. Note that this is going to work on the theme but I’m not sure whether this will affect third party plugins. You may want to ask the plugin authors regarding that matter.


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