Dear supporters,
I want to open content in a new popp window and set its size to fit my media. I tried the solution Josh proposed via js script: (See answer #167345)
function newWindow(contentsURL, winName, winProps, width, height) {
if (!winName) var winName = "CALCULATOR";
if (!winProps) var winProps = "menubar=0,toolbar=0,resizable=0,location=0,status=0,scrollbars=0";
if (!width) var w = 620;
else w = width;
if (!height) var h = 400;
else h = height;
var x = 100; y = 100;
var args = "width=" + w + ",height=" + h
+ "," + winProps
+ ",screenx=" + x + ",screeny=" + y
+ ",left=" + x + ",top=" + y;, winName, args);
It opens a popup window perfectly, but I am unable to change its size with the arguments in the html link:
I did a lot of trials, but fond no solution. Same for Chrome as Mozilla. Can you help?
Thank you in advance for your help
Problem resolved, I just forgot to put another two ‘ ‘.
The solution Josh proposed works fine!!
The link should look like this:
Click to open URLin new window
Sorry for unnessessary question and thank you