Tagged: add, avia layout builder, Element
May 14, 2015 at 10:17 pm #444627
i read the article about adding new elements to the advanced layout builder:
so far so good, i managed to integrate a new sections-php. but like that the standart section element was overwritten. so i renamed the file to video-sections.php and began editing the file. my only purpose is to create an element that is able to display video backgrounds WITH sound. i easily achieved that by changing the mute value from true to false.
however i have certain problems with the renaming. i had to rename certain values, so that the standart section element wouldn’t be overwritten. that worked, but i probably made some mistakes since the full width feature was broken after my editing and even the fooer lost its full width.
so here is finally my question: what lines / names in the section-php do i have to change so that i really ADD a new elemnt instead of modifying an old one. would be great, if you could add some more instruction to the tutorial i posted above.
however the feature to easily add elemnts to the layout builder is really awesome. thanks a lot for your help
best regards
philippMay 18, 2015 at 4:21 pm #445783Hey p_niedrich!
All you would need to do is this, https://kriesi.at/support/topic/background-video-with-no-sound/#post-229951, if your wanting the background video to have sound.
You could request this feature here, https://kriesi.at/support/enfold-feature-requests/, and if it gets enough interest then we may see something get added in a future update.
Best regards,
ElliottAugust 27, 2015 at 6:59 pm #494402hey elliot,
unfortunately you didn’t refer to my question:
“what lines / names in the section-php do i have to change so that i really ADD a new elemnt instead of modifying an old one. would be great, if you could add some more instruction to the tutorial i posted above.”best regards
philippAugust 29, 2015 at 12:36 pm #495299Hey!
In your custom section source file (in your child theme) you need to rename the following:
if ( !class_exists( 'avia_sc_section' ) ) // <-- THIS { class avia_sc_section extends aviaShortcodeTemplate{ static $section_count = 0; static $add_to_closing = ""; static $close_overlay = ""; /** * Create the config array for the shortcode button */ function shortcode_insert_button() { $this->config['name'] = __('Color Section', 'avia_framework' ); // <-- THIS $this->config['icon'] = AviaBuilder::$path['imagesURL']."sc-section.png"; $this->config['tab'] = __('Layout Elements', 'avia_framework' ); $this->config['order'] = 20; $this->config['shortcode'] = 'av_section'; // <-- THIS $this->config['html_renderer'] = false; $this->config['tinyMCE'] = array('disable' => "true"); $this->config['tooltip'] = __('Creates a section with unique background image and colors', 'avia_framework' ); $this->config['drag-level'] = 1; $this->config['drop-level'] = 1; }
To something like
, so the original section doesn’t get overwritten.Best regards,
Josue -
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