Hello there, I have an woocommerce site that I have put over 300 hours into so far and am about to pay $500 to have optimized. Are there any tips for particular files that should be done differently with the Enfold Theme when it comes to minifying and parsing etc of the themes files? I want this to go as smoothly as possible for the developer who is about to work on. Thanks
So those scripts are missing from your site? Try deactivating all plugins and completely delete Enfold before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest to see if that fixes it.
If your still having trouble then send us a link and we’ll take a look.
Ok so I have all plugins deactivated and removed and reinstalled enfold theme and still getting those errors.
Check if those files are actually there via FTP.
Best regards,
Yeah its there, also just realized. The scripts are only missing when in the admin panel. Why would this type of error show up? Thanks
If you want us to check it please hand us a temporary FTP and WordPress access.
I see, you don’t have to worry about this, those broken dependencies are part of ALB and it makes sense to not include them in non-ALB pages (like the Dashboard or Posts listing).