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  • #441294

    On every single one of my “Single Product” pages, I get two images that come up when clicking the product image from the gallery. One is a static image that cannot scroll to next or previous image. When I click the x to close that one, the lightbox gallery is opened and I can scroll through all of the images, Also, the images in the gallery do not change when hovering over the thumbnails like I have seen other sites do. I also noticed the sidebar is below the gallery, makes the page not flow right and look ugly. I try to change with the settings and it doesn’t work. I added a link to a product in my store.

    One thing I tried is clicking “Advanced Layout Editor”, nothing on the product page shows. I am able to remove and change the sidebar like this though. I tried dropping in my own Plugin Additions and everything works for the most part. But when using “Product Purchase Button” I can change quantity but it does not display the product sale amount… Any help would be appreciated.

    When clicking on image for “Single Product” two images come up.


    Hi Charles!

    please try to deactivate all plugins, to see if one is causing this issue. Afterwards you can activate them again one by one to see which one is causing it. If it still does not help, you might need to delete all theme files and get a fresh copy from your themeforest account, as there could be some corrupted files.


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    I have seen this sidebar problem a lot from other customers, but 99% of the time it was caused by a plugin.
    You can provide us admin access and we take a closer look into the issue. Are we allowed to deactivate all plugins temporarily?
    You can post login details here as private reply.




    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    .single-product .sidebar {
      display: none!important;



    Andy and Yigit, thank you both for the help! Yigit nailed it with the code and the problem is solved! You both rock and make amazing themes!



    Great, glad we could help :)


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