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  • #440714

    Hi Super duper support!

    Is there a way to get the original icons for like fb or instagram insted of the theme colors?
    Have two icons that are for req like booking and email and the two social icon and would like to have them in the original layout.
    Like an real instagram icon and a facebook icon. :-)



    Hi Mattias!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    First, turn on the custom css class:

    Edit the icon, add a unique icon class attribute. Use “icon-fb” for the facebook icon for example. Add this in the Quick CSS field to change the color:

    .icon-fb a.av-icon-char [
    color: blue !important;



    Hi @Ismael,

    Facebook and Twitter is easy just one color ;-) thnx for the input but what about like Instagram colors?
    Maby there are some way or icons i can use to get the orignal layout, coloring and so on?

    What do you rekommend?




    You can use an actual icon image instead of the default icon font. After you add the custom css class attribute, use it again in the Quick CSS field. For instagram, you can try this:

    .icon-instagram [data-av_icon]::before {
      content: url(ICON IMAGE URL HERE);



    Sweet thank you Ismael!




    No problem. Glad we could help! :)


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