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  • #440423

    I have a page that has 2 sections. [2/3] and [1/3]

    The 2/3 section contains a lot of text/image content, the 1/3 section contains a pricing table. When you scroll down passed the pricing table the 1/3 section is just a bunch of white space.

    I would like the pricing table in the 1/3 section to stay fixed to the top (similar to the sticky/fixed menu), or within the window until it runs into something below it (another section or footer etc)

    Is this possible?


    Hey medpreps!

    If you want to have it floating throughout the whole page then you could try something like this.

    .avia-table {
      position: fixed;
      right: 100px;
      top: 100px;
      width: 300px !important;
      z-index: 9999 !important;

    If your wanting it to float until a certain section then that is difficult to do and I do not think you can do it with pure CSS. You would most likely need to create a script for it.


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