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  • #433190

    Hi I am running WordPress 4.1.2 running Enfold theme
    just purchased today, can’t import demo data, says import successful but no files imported, only sample page there..

    any ideas

    fyi, installed propulsion, it imports data ok, performed a reset, still no go with enfold demo import, Iam no expert, but server logs appear ok, no errors, see a bunch of gets

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Coastcomputer.

    Hi, more info now, just updated to WordPress 4.2. still can’t import demo, started over, removed wordpress, redownloaded theme from themeforest, re- upploaded to site, same thing, did notice when attempting to import Small Business – Flat Demo. in enfold them options, in logo box is the number 382. nothing else I see is imported.

    no issues with my propulsion theme on same site with demo import.



    Do you have any active plugins? If so, please try de-activating them and try once again. If that does not help, please post the link to your website. We may need a temporary admin login as well

    Best regards,

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    This reply has been marked as private.

    fixed, had to change xml to gz, then uploaded from computer.
    don’t know why this fixed it, but it did.
    kinda disappointed with the sheer volume of problems on this forum along with no answer or support for a newly purchased theme



    Glad you got it worked out and I’m sorry about the response time, we’ve had a lot of request lately and we’re unfortunately struggling to keep up.


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