I am looking to have multiple background images that are using the <html> tag (full width).
I have one that is already working that is using the top of the page but I also need one that is at the very bottom after the footer and body tag (full width).
Any suggestions?
Hey sublime5o!
Not entirely sure I understand what you mean but you could use color sections and set individual background images to them? If that doesn’t work out for you please provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look. Screenshots or mockups of what you’re trying to do also helps.
That would not help since the theme would need the multiple background images. Adding them in color sections does not help because I would then need to add this to every page and on top of that the second background image needs to be below the copyright information. Attached is a mockup. You will see the top background image is the area with the seats and the bottom is basically just the yellow dots at the bottom of the page..