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  • #419101


    On Chrome, Mozilla and Safari, Our site looks ok while when we try it on IE 8, 9 and latest version, It looks horrible. The Layer slider is not showing, The font’s is working properly, the layout and the most important part is the responsive. Am not sure if the w3 cache plugin is the main source of this problem but after activating, deactivating and deleting w3 cahce plugin, It seems this problem raise but the thing is why only on IE. on other browser its working fine. Please have a look and guide me how to fix this problem ASAP.

    IE 10 and Latest Version

    IE 8 and 9



    I manage to fix some especially on Latest Version. Most of the problem now are on Old version especially on IE 8 and 9. Please guide me. Thanks



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    I’m sorry but you’re using an old version of the theme, 3.0.4. Please download the latest version, 3.1.2, from your themeforest account then update the theme via FTP. Please refer to this link for more info:

    The layer slider isn’t fully supported on older versions of internet explorer so you might need to add an easy slider specifically for IE. Use css to hide or show any specific sliders on different kind of browsers. This one for example will hide the layer slider on IE then show the easy slider instead:

    .avia-msie div#layer_slider_1 {
    display: none !important;
    .avia-slideshow {
    display: none;
    .avia-msie .avia-slideshow {
    display: block;

    Turn on the custom css class to add a unique class attribute to the slideshow:


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    Also the blog page layout is not working on IE 8.



    I checked the “krypton” folder (child theme) but I don’t see the fonts folder. Or maybe it is hidden. Anyway, please check. Where did you apply the font?

    Best regards,

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    If it is not inside the child theme folder then why is the font url directed to the krypton folder?

    @font-face {
    font-family: ‘segoe_printregular';
    src: url(‘’);
    src: url(‘’) format(‘embedded-opentype’),
    url(‘’) format(‘woff’),
    url(‘’) format(‘truetype’),
    url(‘’) format(‘svg’);
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

    Are you sure it is working on chrome and firefox? Please check it again.


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    Please try to add this to the Quick CSS field to fix the blog layout on IE8:

    .avia-msie-8 .page .big-preview.single-big {
      width: 50%;



    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for the support. You can close this topic now.


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