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  • #418881


    I am actively using the portfolio feature in this theme. I like how you can direct the feature image to open a specific URL. How can I make it so, it gives me the option to open the link a new tab or not?

    Like for example, when i direct to a youtube link – it opens up a model (which by the way, by default does not play the highest quality video – the user has to manually adjust it — how can i change this??) but if i want it to open to the youtube page itself — how can i do this?

    When the video opens up on model on my website – it rips apart my host system resources eventually causing my site to go down.

    Please help



    Hi ojasray!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Add this to the functions.php file if you want to open the custom link in different tab:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_grid_target');
    function ava_grid_target(){
    	  $(".grid-image").each(function() {
    	  	$(this).attr('target', '_blank');




    when i added this to my child theme function file – it broke the site — now i cannot get back into the site…



    Please go to wp-content/themes/enfold and open functions.php file and remove the code via FTP. Then create a temporary admin login and post it here privately so we can add the code for you. Ismael’s code works totally fine

    Best regards,


    A part of one of my pages is suddenly hidden behind the sidebar. What to do?

    Best regards, Ditte


    Hi Ditte,

    Please post both user name and password in private so that we can access the backend of your site.

    Best regards,

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