Tagged: Masonry Gallery, random, sorting
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March 24, 2015 at 8:13 pm #417353
Hi folks,
I had the problem of sorting a masonry gallery by random – inclunding using the ‘load more’-functionality. It took a bit of digging into the source code, but I want to give others the results as a hint. In my special case I want to have all images sorted into a special WP Media Folder as well as the post image used in a portfolio item. You may adapt the solution to Your specific needs:
add_filter('avia_masonry_entries_query', 'avia_gallery_image_query', 10, 2); function avia_gallery_image_query($query, $params) { // Matches on empty masonry galleries which are not Portfolio Masonry if ($params['ids'] == null && (!isset ($params ['taxonomy']) || $params ['taxonomy'] != 'portfolio_entries')) { // First call - then then 'post__in' is set, but empty if (isset ($query ['post__in'])) { // Get al my portfolio categories $terms = array(); $allTax = get_terms('portfolio_entries'); foreach($allTax as $tax) { $terms[] = $tax->term_id; } // Register the WP Media Folder category - doesn't work without register_taxonomy('wpmf-category', 'attachment', array('hierarchical'=>true,'show_in_nav_menus'=>false,'show_ui'=>false)); // Get all the images that match the root folder 'galerie' as well as all portfolio-items $available = new WP_Query ( array ( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => array ( 'publish', 'inherit'), 'post_type' => array ( 'attachment', 'portfolio' ), 'post_parent' => null, 'tax_query' => array ( array ( 'taxonomy' => 'portfolio_entries', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $terms, 'operator' => 'IN' ), 'relation' => 'OR', array ( 'taxonomy' => 'wpmf-category', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => array ( 'galerie' ), 'operator' => 'IN' ), ), 'fields' => 'ids' )); // Place it into a session variable $_SESSION['gallery'] = $available->posts; // Sort it by random shuffle ($_SESSION['gallery']); } // Reset all relevant query parameters and set the IN-Clause to the found items and sort them by the random order as done before $query ['post__in'] = $_SESSION['gallery']; $query ['orderby'] = 'post__in'; $query ['order'] = 'ASC'; $query ['tax_query'] = null; $query ['post_status'] = 'any'; $query ['post_type'] = 'any'; $query ['post_mime_type'] = null; $query ['post_parent'] = null; // Don't let any sort plugin modify what we want remove_all_filters('posts_orderby'); } else { // Reset the session variable $_SESSION['gallery'] = array (); } return $query; }
March 25, 2015 at 3:55 pm #417812 -
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