Tagged: grid row
Minor problem with ‘grid row’ appears 2 times in admin.
Danish install, Enfo. 3.1 – has also been shown in previous installations, but not in a ‘clean’ new installation
see print: http://s18.postimg.org/788e43gp5/grid_row.gif
Regards, Pete
Hi 2funky!
You said this does not happen in a “new clean” installation? That means you have done some customization to the theme files?
Best regards,
Hey Elliott,
Only in the child theme – it also happens without using child theme
Regards Pete
I can’t see this on my local installation, could you try to update the whole theme via FTP?
Hi Rikard,
I always update / overwrite the theme via FTP.
I have bought several templates where the error is the same
Could it be because of an ‘old’ theme file that will not be overwritten or conflicts
Regards, Pete
Go ahead and completely delete Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest. This will ensure all of the files are clean and updated.
Hi, that solved the problem,
Regards Pete,