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  • #406772


    There are 40 pages on my site and about 6 of them do not open properly in the Dashboard and I get a spinner where the layout editor should be. The front end appears fine.

    These pages on the Dashboard worked fine on the original website a few months ago but a lot has changed since then and this is a migration of the site using BackupBuddy.

    Please can you go to the site using the login supplied and go to the page called Facilities to see what I mean.

    I have just upgraded to Enfold 3.0.8 and have disabled all the plugins to see if those things made a difference but they did not.

    Thanks for any help or advice.


    Hi jscarlett!

    Can you please try re-updating the theme to the latest version 3.0.8 via FTP and make sure to overwrite all files –



    Hi Yigit yes I have done that now but it hasn’t made any difference.



    There’s an error in the console when we edited the page: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)

    Please re-install the WordPress files.



    I have reinstalled the WordPress files but it didn’t make any difference.


    Do you have any other ideas please?



    Can you please create us a temporary FTP account? post it here as a private reply.


    This reply has been marked as private.


    Can you please indicate which Pages are not working? i’m trying to find the affected ones but they all seem to be working fine.

    Best regards,


    There are 40 pages and six are not working:

    Faciliities, About 360, Activity Classes, FAQs, Opening Times and Play Pass




    Try to copy the shortcode below the ALB then create a new page. Paste it on the debug editor then publish. Let us know if the newly created page is working. I tried to create a new page but it leads me to a 403 error.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael

    Thanks for your post and I have found out what is wrong!

    Because I could see the code for the page in the Debug Editor (thanks), I could see that these six pages have links in them that start with ‘../../’ to go up two levels. The host said this can cause a security problem.

    So I changed the links to the full link and everything works fine now.

    This site is a clone of the actual live site which has the same problem where ALB is not working on the six pages.

    Please can you tell me how to get the Debug Editor to show so I can correct the live site?

    Thanks for your help.

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