I want to change background-color and font color of the pop up “productxx was added to your cart” what appears at the right of the header when you click directly to add to cart of a product. Because it goes away after a few seconds I’m not able to firebug it :-)
Kinds regards!
Hey JBkvns!
This is the HTML for that.
<div class="added_to_cart_notification" style="opacity: 0; top: 69px;"><span class="avia-arrow"></span><div class="added-product-text"><strong>"Zoku Suit"</strong> was added to the cart</div> <img alt="" title="" src="#" class="added-product-image"></div>
So you could try some CSS like so.
.added_to_cart_notification * { color: red !important; }
.added_to_cart_notification { background: black !important; }
Best regards,
Kind regards