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  • #393580

    Hi there,
    I have just installed my new enfold theme on WP. But I also have just read that there is a pre-made Enfold child-theme. I downloaded it.
    How can I proceed to install it if my theme is already activated on WP?
    Is it advisable to install the child theme?
    Please send me some instructions.
    Thanks a lot


    upload it and activate it on dashboard
    in Enfold Child Theme Options it might be necessary to goto Import Data – the button at top “Import Parenttheme Settings”

    I think a Child Theme is a good advice because if you have to change something in your Theme Code it will not be lost by updating the Parent Theme.
    A lot of changings here on Board Support work via child-theme functions.php (first of all it is an empty functions.php in the child-theme folder)
    f.e. activating the custom.css on template builder elements

    or to show in lightbox the full-size image and not the large one:

    add_filter('avf_avia_builder_masonry_lightbox_img_size', 'avia_change_gallery_thumbnail_link', 10, 1);
    function avia_change_gallery_thumbnail_link($size)
        return "full";

    etc pp. the support is full of such changings.



    Like @Guenni007 wrote, just upload the child theme to your theme folder via FTP or Appearance–>Themes–>Add New via the Dashboard, then activate it. A child theme is good if you want to make changes to any of the source files or add/remove functionality.

    Best regards,



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