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  • #389730


    I want to add a unique link to each image in the Gallery I have created from Media Elements.
    But when I add an url to Gallery Link URL it still show the image file name when I click on the image.

    What shall I do`?



    Hi charlotteraboff!

    Are you using the WordPress default gallery shortcode? If so then open up /enfold/js/avia.js and find line 847.

    if(!title) title = item.el.find('img').attr('title');

    And add this beneath it.

    if(!title) title = item.el.parent().next('.wp-caption-text').html();

    That will have the images display the “caption” you have written for each image.

    If that’s not what your trying to do then send us a link to your page so we can get a better idea.




    thanks for your reply.

    No, I mean that I want to be able to add a unique link on each image in the Gallery next to the Hotel Search box
    I am using the Avia Layout builder and drag the Gallery from the Media Element.

    Another thing – I have a fast connection but those 6 images in the Gallery loads really slow.




    There currently is not any option for that. What you could do is right click your page and view the source and copy all of the HTML you see and then paste it inside a codeblock element and change the links manually.

    Before you do that though make sure to edit the gallery shortcode and set the “Use lightbox” option to “No, open the images in the browser window”.



    Aha.. ok, thanks.

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