Hi – the hotspot feature is great!
I’m using it on a sponsorship page to create 27 links to our sponsor’s websites. But I need the hotspots to be transparent – not visible at all – just linking to sponsor’s websites when you mouse over the logos click on them. Here’s an example of last year’s page where the hotspoting was done externally: http://frenchfilmfestival.co.nz/sponsors-in-2014/
Is there a way to do this? Hope you can help,
Hi Annedesign!
Thank you for using Enfold.
Can you please provide a link to the actual page with the image hotspot? Try this on Quick CSS:
.av-hotspot-container-inner-wrap img {
visibility: hidden;
Please use following code
.page-id-4398 .av-image-hotspot.av-display-hotspot {
display: none;
Best regards,
thanks for that – the new CSS got rid of the hotspot circles but it made the links disappear completely. Any other thoughts? Or should I just hotspot using another method like Dreamweaver. I really appreciate your time looking into this for me.
instead of the above one use this code:
.page-id-4398 .av-hotspot-container .av-image-hotspot {
opacity: 0;
thanks so much that works perfectly!
I’m also going to hotspot the logo group at the bottom of the home page http://frenchfilmfestival.co.nz/
Will I need extra custom CSS for that?
And then as a guide of future use – would it be easy to customise the code myself if I need to add invisible hotspots to any more pages, or would I need to ask you?
Thanks so much for your time – full site goes live tomorrow night NZ time!
I just tried adding a second lot of custom CS with the page id for the homepage – and that worked. So I assume I can just keep doing that and changing the page id for each bit of new code?
Thanks! Your support is brilliant!