habe probleme mit dem z index. möchte einen externen vergleisrechner einbauen. sobald ein info button im rechner geklickt wird öffnet sich ein pop up und muss alles überlagern. leider funktioniert es nicht bei der sidebar, header menu, breadcrumb und normalen textfeldern.
Hi finon!
Thank you for using Enfold.
I would like to help but the inquiry is a bit unclear. Can you please translate it to english? Note that we don’t provide support for third party plugins.
Best regards,
Hi Ismael,
my english is not so good , I hope you understand me ;- )
i have problem whit css z index. you look at my site and press the info icon in comparison calculator (left of the entry field)
a info pop up opens and must be above the site but the problem is, Sidebar, header menu, text area, breadcrumb and main titel overlap the info pop up.
I think Z index class is the problem but I find no solution.
Can you help me??
Best regards,
Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab
.page-id-47 div#after_section_1 {
z-index: 99999;
.page-id-47 .sidebar {
z-index: 0;
.page-id-47 header#header {
z-index: 999999;
Best regards,
thank you yigit, you are the best ;-) and sorry for the double post.
Can you show on the page again, when you scroll down the same problem is whit the text area, the tab container, special heading and hotspot picture.
then I´m happy ;-)
best regards,
No worries :)
Please add following code to Quick CSS as well
.page-id-47 .avia-builder-el-2 {
z-index: 98;
Best regards,
100 x thank´s yigit, you are the best.
In the last days I ‘m desperate and the solution was so simple
I´m happy :-)
best regards,