Please go to:
You see the Quick Quote form on the right side. If you click on the calendar icon to choose your dates, there is an error.
Can this be fixed?
Hey James!
The only way to fix that would be to either give more space to the Wufoo iframe (changing the containing column) or modifying the form in Wufoo: making Arrive and Depart sit in a single line instead of columns so the Depart calendar popup doesn’t get cut.
Okay I switched Autosize to False and made the form height 450. Now there is a large gap between the submit button and the headers below. Do you have any idea of how to fix the calendars so they show fully within the form without cutting out or forcing the scroll bar to appear?
There may be a way to do this with Wufoo Custom CSS but unfortunately this is way beyond our support scope.
Best regards,