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  • #374404

    I’ve tried different sized featured images, but several of my portfolio thumbnails are different sizes than the rest… please see (this is for enfold)


    Hey Veronica!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Edit the portfolio element then set the Portfolio Grid Image Size to the second option. Manually set the thumbnail size. Although the best solution is to use images with the same size and dimension.



    That didn’t work. :/ I set it to 495×400

    There is one that is off in the first row at the top (New Orleans), and several down the way in the fifth row.



    I wanted to check your website but i get “ERROR 403 – FORBIDDEN” :/

    Best regards,


    You shouldn’t have a problem. What’s your IP?

    Also, I’m having similar trouble with – I’m replacing small featured images with larger ones, but the thumbnail grid is still off. I tried regenerating. Is there a way to force the thumbnail grid to be a certain size?


    At Green Cup Design (go to and select for Graphic Design) I’m replacing small images with images at least 500px sq, if not 2000 px. Still, the thumbnail is cut off. What gives?



    you need to make sure that all your thumbnails are the same size. After you have uploaded them with exactly the same size use this plugin:



    That’s a ton of work, especially if a user doesn’t understand how to crop / resize images and the best practices that are required therein. They should auto-generate to the correct grid size.



    Try dragging a codeblock element to your page and add this inside.

    <style type = "text/css">
    article img { max-height: 400px !important; }

    Best regards,

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