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  • #364079


    When I go to try and edit the menus I get this error:

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /home/fxtrad8/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 716

    I have left my login credentials in the private content in case you need to gain access


    I’ve disabled all of my plugins and still showing the fatal error


    Can someone please help me here. I need to edit my menu



    Thank you for using Enfold and sorry for the delay.

    I checked the website and there’s an error, probably from a plugin:

    :  call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method dc_jqsocialstream::header() should not be called statically in 

    Any idea which plugin uses the dc_jqsocialstream::header function? I also tested the Menus panel and it is working fine.



    Hi Ismael,

    for a pitty I have the same error. I tried to deactivate all plugins but that didn’t solved the problem. Could you please help me? And there’s no field to pass the Lgoindetails to you … probably because I just reply to an existing and didn’t start a post …

    Thank you and all the best,




    Could you check if the issue remains if you switch to default theme please?

    You can try to delete the menu you have created and rebuild it. If that does not work, then switch to another theme (e.g. the default one) and delete the menu there and rebuild it afterwards.

    Another possible solution:
    find this code in functions.php:

    echo get_category_parents($cat, TRUE, ' ' . $delimiter . ' ');

    and replace it with:

    echo is_wp_error( $cat_parents = get_category_parents($cat, TRUE, '' . $delimiter . '') ) ? '' : $cat_parents;



    Hi Andy,

    thanks a lot for your help. For the last few days I didn’t had a internet connection due to the fact that I moved to a new appartement. Man, how addicted I am to the internet … it’s a shame.
    At least, your tip helped a lot. I switched to the twentyfourteen for a try, changed the menu there and switched it back. That worked. What I don’t understand is, that afterwards the menu could be edited again in enfold theme activated.

    Now, everything is fine. Thy again and have a nice xmas time,



    glad we could help. Let us know if you have any other question or issue. We are happy to assist you.
    Wish you a nice xmas time, too.


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