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  • #357624

    after last updates, there apepars to be a black bar or background layer at the top of the site. it’s same location and size as when you are logged in to wordpresss, but it appears for both logged in and not logged in.

    when you scroll down, the black space slides up and the header collapses as it’s supposed to , however the header is no longer anchored to the top of the page- this little space is up there now-

    easier to see- site is below

    can you help me identify where this is and eliminate it? it’s actually happenining on other sites I have with enfold as well, and it did not behave this way prior to most recent round of updates to WP and enfold theme.


    any ideas?


    in firebug it tells me this, but I’m not sure why it’s visible or how to make it go away:
    <body id=”top” class=”home page page-id-2391 page-template-default stretched open_sans ” itemtype=”; itemscope=”itemscope”>


    this is quite strange- deactivated all plugins, it’s still there. there is something in the head code that is creating space and pushing the whole site down by about 10-15 px, so when scrolledm, the collapsed header looks really weird as concent slides behind it then back out again up top for 15 px. very ugle

    pls assist,


    fixed- it was google telemarketing tag in the header. I placed the tag in the footer and the errant unwanted head space disappeared

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